20th Century, Jahrhundertbuch der Gottscheer, Dr. Erich Petschauer, 1980.

Club of the Germans from Gottschee, Vienna

The Viennese group now called itself "Verein der Gottscheer in Wien" (Club of Gottscheers in Vienna) after it was founded as "Verein der Deutschen aus Gottschee" (Club of the Germans from Gottschee) by four spirited men (Franz Obermann, Josef Springer, Andreas und Georg Roschitsch) on March 30, 1891. Its aims according to its charter are listed as follows in the Jubiläumsbuch der Gottscheer 600-Jahr-Feier 1930 :

"a) the moral and financial support of needy club members and support-worthy countrymen.

b) the support of welfare and patriotic endeavors in Gottschee, that is, in the region of the former dukedom of Gottschee.

c) the promotion of social interaction to strengthen the immediate organization."

One year later the club already had 252 members and by the beginning of the First World War had developed a multitude of functions and activities. The chairman says the following about these on page 242 of the Jubiläumsbuch 1930: "The club obtained its funds from the membership dues, all sorts of donations by supporters, and from income generated by functions. Assistance was always readily extended to various needy countrymen in the course of almost four decades depending on the funds available in the treasury. Communities and clubs received assistance for all sons of things, be it for repairing a church, buying fire-fighting equipment, alleviating damages caused by natural calamities, or supporting events and the like.

Let me also list the names of those men who were at the head of the club: Franz Obermann, merchant Josef Edler of Rome, Imperial Major; Georg Roschitsch, merchant; Andreas Schuster, Sr., merchant; Josef Wuchse, merchant; Andreas Schuster, Jr., merchant; senior veterinarian Dr. Adolf Wenzel."

The club lost almost all of its assets during the war (1914 to 1918) and had to start anew. It ceased functioning during World War II and could only resume its activities in 1951 under the name of "Verein der Gottscheer in Wien" after overcoming certain difficulties. Professor Franz Kraus, who spared no effort, was chairman at this time and deserves much credit. His idealism and self-sacrifice were recognized when he was made honorary chairman. Under his direction, the club in Vienna was also renamed "Gottscheer Landsmannschaft." This was only possible after the reservations of the authorities were overcome. The club continues its established activities under the agile chairman for the community of Gottscheers in the capital of Austria.

("Jahrhundertbuch der Gottscheer", Dr. Erich Petschauer, 1980)


