20th Century, Jahrhundertbuch der Gottscheer, Dr. Erich Petschauer, 1980.

Gottscheers in Germany

In the Federal Republic of Germany most of the refugees from the former linguistic island clustered in and about Munich, Stuttgart, and Cologne. As far as the author could determine, only a few Gottscheers live in the German Democratic Republic. The absence of closer, more permanent ties among the widely scattered groups was soon painfully felt. It was not simply only a matter of sharing the refugee experience, establishing cultural activities based on Gottscheer traditions, but of dealing with very practical matters such as presenting property claims to
the successor governments of the former German Reich, a matter that concerned all. In Austria, as well as in Germany and in other countries, the Gottscheers demanded and were in need of official representation.

The "Landsmannschaft der deutschen Umsiedler aus der Gottschee in Deutschland e.V." (Compatriotic Organization of German Resettlers from Gottschee in Germany, Inc.) was founded in the Federal Republic of Germany on August 17, 1952 in Adelgund a.d. Mosel. Its registration papers at the district court of Zell/Mosel, dated February 27, 1953, are signed by the founding members Johann Pangretitsch, Josef Frank, Ferdinand Röthel, Johann Matzele, Robert Schmuck, Josef Weiß, and Adolf Grill. The first chairman was Johann Pangretitsch of Obermösel.

The initiators Ferdl Wittine of Rieg and Sepp Frank of Tschermoschnitz were interested in locating the widely dispersed Gottscheers who had come to the Federal Republic, to help them in their need as far as was possible, and to represent them in their claims for property losses as provided by the reparations act. They were particularly concerned that the successor governments of the German Reich would recognize the Gottscheers as resettlers because they then could receive compensation according to the resettlement accord. However, they were also interested in getting together again as good neighbors after such a long time. The first larger Gottscheer gathering then took place in Cologne on the Feast of Pentecost in 1956 with more than 400 participants.

By April 26, 1958 things were at the point that the "Gottscheer Arbeitskreis" (study group) could be formed in Munich. Alois Stalzer of Niedermösel became chairman, Max Jaklitsch of Reintal his deputy. Among the founding members were: Josef Janesch, Ernst Stalzer, Rudolf Jonke, Georg Brändle, Franz Schaffer, Johann Fink, Adolf Kikel, Friedrich and Franz Kresse, and others. Thus the first alliance of Gottscheers in Germany was made a reality.

The wish to unite all the Gottscheers in Germany and Austria was expressed at all gatherings. Other clubs were formed. Dr. Viktor Michitsch set up uniform charters. They were unanimously approved at the general meeting in Cologne on May 17, 1959 and the new name "Gottscheer Landsmannschaft" was assumed. The board remained as it was (Alois Stalzer and Max Jaklitsch). It was unanimously decided at this meeting that three regional groups be established. Thus the regional group Nord-West in Cologne (chairman Franz Nelles), the regional group Baden-
Württemberg in Stuttgart (chairman Karl Bartelme) and the regional group Bayern in Munich (chairman Max Jaklitsch) were established during November 1959.

An important step for the supraregional, world-wide cooperation within the ethnic group was the founding of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Gottscheer Landsmannschaften" (study group of the Gottscheer compatriotic organizations) on August 14, 1960 in Ulm/Donau. They elected Dr. Viktor Michitsch chairman, public official Ferdl Wittine his deputy, and school principal Fritz Högler as secretary of the executive committee. The union of the Gottscheers in Austria and Germany was completed with the formation of this head organization. The "Gottschee- Hilfswerk" in Ridgewood, New York and the Gottscheer organization in Toronto, Canada have joined this study group. Thus the Gottscheers throughout the world now have a common representative body for their interests.

A delegate from the Gottscheer organization in Germany has a seat and a vote in the "Südostdeutschen Rat", a union of organizations representing refugees from southeastern Europe. The headquarters of the "Landsmannschaft" is set up in Ulm/ Donau and Alois Michitsch of Rieg (deceased 1976) was its director.

Another chapter in the history of this organization is written in 1968 when the "Gottscheer Sing- und Trachtengruppe Klagenfurt" appear at the ethnic night of the Danube-Swabians in Sindelfingen (Federal Republic of Germany), the sponsoring city of the ethnic Germans from Yugoslavia. Not only did the Gottscheer folksongs, the dialect and folkloric traditions (presented by the first president and
cultural advisor Richard Lackner) receive spontaneous applause in the completely filled large assembly room of the "Stadthalle" (municipal building), but it was as if the body and soul of the 600-year-old linguistic island had appeared in person. The Gottscheers were met by a wave of sympathy. The city of Sindelfingen, represented by its mayor Arthur Gruber, the representatives from the provinces of Baden-Württemberg and from the Federal Ministry of the Interior in Bonn expressed their willingness to support the preservation of Gottscheer culture.

Subsequently, the Gottscheer organizations were able to undertake more and various cultural activities under the leadership of Richard Lackner, the chairman of the "Gottscheer Landsmannschaft" in Ulm. At the present time, he and Max Jaklitsch direct the Gottscheer organization in Germany.

("Jahrhundertbuch der Gottscheer", Dr. Erich Petschauer, 1980)


