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Gottscheer resettlement 1941/1942 - Thomas Kempf
Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:36 pm
von Forum 2002 - 2013
Abgeschickt von Thomas Kempf am 12 Juni, 2003 um 23:18:13
Yes, Frensing is correct when he says in his final paragraph about the (resettlement) "Umsiedlung" that had the Gottscheers not moved to Rann and stayed in the Gottschee region, many Gottscheer civilians would have been killed in the bloody partisan battles that took place there in Gottschee after most of the original inhabitants had resettled. Therefore many Gottscheer lives where saved thanks to the "Umsiedlung".
Frensing's "speculation" - A Gottscheer
Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:36 pm
von Forum 2002 - 2013
Abgeschickt von A Gottscheer am 20 Juni, 2003 um 16:49:48:
Antwort auf: Gottscheer resettlement 1941/1942 von Thomas Kempf am 12 Juni, 2003 um 23:18:13:
Those who have latched on to Frensing's "speculation" about what would have happened had the Gottscheer not resettled, display their naiveté, lack of logical thinking and wishful rejection of historical facts. They also display their lingering support for the political leaning that led the Gottscheer to the loss of their homeland in the first place.
Frensing's "speculation" has been turned into fact by all those who, even today, attempt to justify the resettlement. The justification was developed, after 1945, by the Gottscheer Nazi leaders as an excuse for betraying their people. (They did not say, in 1941, that 'if you don't leave, you will all be killed'. They said other things). But the justification is handy for those who need an excuse for having been misled by a bunch of fanatical youngsters.
"If we had not resettled, we would all have been killed". And in 1985 Lampeter even claimed: "I am the savoir of the Gottscheer". This is the justification peddled by the betrayers for 58 years and the sheep, as willing now as then, lap it up to hide their gullibility.
The Yugoslav communists had ample opportunity to kill us all at the end of the war when we were still in their hands. And they had a much better excuse to do so than if we had stayed in Gottschee. After all, our resettlement was the reason for the ethnic cleansing of 37,000 Slovene pushed into Nazi labor camps from which more than half never returned. Instead, they sent us out of Yugoslavia alive. To claim that we would have been killed had we stayed in Gottschee, when there was even less reason to do so, defies logic and is empty and silly justification.
Lampeter, the leader of the betrayers and his admirer, Ludwig Kren, published a book about the bad treatment by the communists of the Gottscheer after the end of the war. They called it "Berichte über die Umsiedlung und Vertreibung sowie die Zeit danach". But these principal apologists could not document one single killing of Gottscheer in the holding camps after the war or elsewhere. Mistreatment, like of so many other supporters of the Nazi occupier, yes, but no killing. And the SS Sturmbannführer would have been delighted to find proof for the often stated false claim that thousand were killed in the "Flucht". But they could not list one single case.
The Gottscheer who stayed in Gottschee are all alive, and as Altsiedler, are still living on their properties and in their homes. Among others, Erik Krisch and Avgust Grill are typical examples. They were not killed and neither were the others who stayed.
It should be clear to any logical person, not brain washed by the betrayers, that here, as anywhere, the retrospective -"If"- does not work as justification for any past action, good or bad. Any kid who plays ball knows that.
J. Tschinkel, 20/6/2003
Re: Gottscheer resettlement 1941/1942 - Sophia Stalzer-Wyant
Verfasst: Mo Feb 13, 2023 5:37 pm
von Forum 2002 - 2013
Abgeschickt von Sophia Stalzer-Wyant am 14 Juni, 2003 um 01:53:11
Antwort auf: Gottscheer resettlement 1941/1942 von Thomas Kempf am 12 Juni, 2003 um 23:18:13:
Excellent point.Thank you.
Yes,Frensing is correct when he says in his final paragraph about the (resettlement)"Umsiedlung" that had the Gottscheers not moved to Rann and stayed in the Gottschee region ,many Gottscheer civilians would have been killed in the bloody partisan battles that took place there in Gottschee after most of the original inhabitants had resettled.Therefore many Gottscheer lives where saved thanks to the "Umsiedlung".